
Showing posts from 2020

Find all the PRIMARY KEY of a database table in SQL SERVER

Here is the query: select schema_name(tab.schema_id) as [schema_name],     pk.[name] as pk_name,     substring(column_names, 1, len(column_names)-1) as [columns],     tab.[name] as table_name from sys.tables tab     inner join sys.indexes pk         on tab.object_id = pk.object_id         and pk.is_primary_key = 1    cross apply (select col.[name] + ', '                     from sys.index_columns ic                         inner join sys.columns col                             on ic.object_id = col.object_id...

How to configure SERVICE TRACE VIEWER in WCF?

Configuring Service trace viewer can be very easily done. Add the following section in the web.config file to setup trace viewer 1. Add diagnostics section inside  system.serviceModel <diagnostics>       <messageLogging logEntireMessage =" true "  logMalformedMessages =" true " logMessagesAtServiceLevel =" true " logMessagesAtTransportLevel =" true " maxMessagesToLog =" 2147483647 " maxSizeOfMessageToLog =" 2147483647 " /> </diagnostics> 2. Add diagnostics section inside  configuration <system.diagnostics>     <sources>       <source name =" System.ServiceModel.MessageLogging " switchValue =" Information,ActivityTracing ">         <listeners>           <add name =" ServiceModelMessageLoggingListener ">           ...

PMP Questions Related to Organization Types

Q1. A Project Manager is working on constructing a new bridge, but is not getting enough project attention. Resources are occupied in process-related work and the Project Manager has little authority to assign resources. In what form of organization is the project being performed? SELECT THE CORRECT ANSWER A. Functional B. Strong Matrix C. Projectized D. Weak Matrix